Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Insert Cheesy Zoo Pun

 Wanna know what awesomely fun people do when they go to the zoo? Check it out:

 Purchase large souvenir cups with cats on them, and play in the children's play area.  It is preferable to avoid having little boys look up your dress, but what can ya do.
 I don't think there is any explanation needed for this.
 Play in giant eggs, also on the children's playground.
Cat ears and dress-Borrowed, Purse- flea market Chanel, possibly fake, Sunglasses- Gas Station, Lion Hat, Souvenir Cup, and Junior Ranger flask- SB Zoo Gift Shop
Annddd go shopping.  Not pictured but also done: insult parents with remarks on the similarity of a sausage-shaped fish to a certain male body part, scaring of children with animal-themed headpieces (there were real tears people), and well, seeing actual animals, but that was covered in the previous post.

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